Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What Should be done to Make Money

How to Make money with Online Jobs from home.  I need to discuss about this opportunity to the newbies and beginners to make money.  Especially Google Online Jobs is the real motive to create this blog and we will discuss about it here in future.  Why should we discuss about Google Online Jobs?  Because it is the best way to make money from home.  Also we already have more discussion in online like forum, blogs and websites, so we can read the articles to get new ideas about this facility.

Most of the people might be having ideas about Google online Jobs but they don't know how to start it.  Because they want to know where to start.  So that we are trying to create this blog which is very useful for the beginners to know about the basic ideas and they will get many ideas about make money online.

Google Adsense is the best way to make money but we should use it very carefully in our blog or website.  Because it will be growing through our content management but we should read the terms before we start this website.  So I want to write this systematic blog which is very useful for the all of them.  Thanks.

How to apply for Google Adsense?

I don't think it may not be easy to get Google Adsense but now they want to restrict the websites and blogs which is getting Google Adsense account.  How to get Google Adsense Approval?  You must have website to get approval from Google Adsense before that you should have good content with your niche because that secret of getting approval.  Also you have good traffic to your website which is having nice business opportunity.

You should not apply for Google Adsense for making money because your website must create for your website for your business then your niche should have wants and needs of the customers in adwords then you will get approval soon.  Normally it will be taking one day but some of the websites will be taking six months too.  So you should have all arrangements before you apply for adsense.

Content is the king of your website and all the SEO work is secondary because if you have good content then you need not worry about Search Engine Optimization.  SEO also necessary for the website but you should have good content is the important role for your website.  so you must have good content which is related to your niche and you can get real online income from home.

Now Search Engine Optimization also want to get real traffic to your website through SEO secrets.  If you post your content with image then it will be adding soon with Search Engine.  Please add some image with your post to get real traffic to your website.  

How Adsense for content works?

Adsense for content is the most important ad methods by automatically delivering the text and image ads that are precisely targeted to your site and your site content. Which is the secret of Adsense system works?  Content based ads are the important role for making real business tactics which is the best way to attract our visitors and customers to be useful for them also.  I really need to discuss about this system because the people who are living in India and worldwide Indian need to be read this article to get right information.

How to maintain the ads between your content?

As a publisher, we will not do anything because they have the automatically delivering the text and image ads that  are working with your site and site content.  So you need not do anything and you can not confuse anything with this opportunity.  After getting your adsense approval then you can create content html code and you can manage with your Google Adsense account itself and copy the html code to put it in your site or blog which is the relevant area too.  It is very easy and simple work for the publishers who can add this ads in your website?  If you any doubt about it then you just read the help area in Google Adsense to get the methods.

How to get thousands advertise with minimal efforts?

You need not do anything to search advertisers to put it in your website because Google Adsense is the having the best system to make it very easy for you.  You will really enjoy the system to cut and paste work with the content html to create the ads through Adsense setup area.  You can get global based advertisers and your local area advertisers also in one area because it is automatic system to get easy ideas with our account. You can all kinds of ad formats for getting all categories too.

How to turn your website as revenue potential?

If you have website with relevant content which is getting related ads from adsense system then you can get real revenue through your website. You will be maximizing your revenue potential through your content in the website which is expecting by people who is need to know about your content or website.  You can see the Cost-per-click (CPC) and Cost per thousand impressions (CPM) to be counted by your Google Adsense account.  So you can see the everyday report for your information.

How to make competitive filter to our website?

You can have safeguard to your website from your competitor to avoid ads from your competitor through these facilities from your adsense account.

1) Competitive Ad Filter
2) Ad review
3) Sensitive Content Filter
4) Choose your own default ads

How to select the ad size in Adsense?

You can get information from Adsense setup page then you can see the adsense for content to create your size of the ads here.  It will be having many size so you can choose the ads for your website.  You can also get two different types ads here.  One is Ad unit and Another one is Link Unit.

Ad Unit :

1) Leaderboard                  - 728 x 90
2) Large Rectangle             - 338 x 280
3) Medium Rectangle         - 300 x 250
4) Wide Skyscraper          - 120 x 600
5) Horizontal Banner          - 468 x 60
6) Horizontal Half Banner  - 234 x 60
7) Vertical Skyscraper      - 120 x 600
8) Vertical Banner            - 120 x 240
9) Square Ad                   - 250 x 250
10)Small Square              -  200 x 200
11) Small Rectangle         -  180 x 150
12) Button                       -  125 x 125

Link Unit :

1) Horizontal                    - 728 x 15
2) Horizontal Small           - 468 x 15
3) Square links                 - 200 x 90
4)  "     "                           - 180 x 90
5)  Square Links              - 160 x 90
6) Square Links               - 120 x 90

Note :  We are trying to give some information for newbies and beginners for the Google Adsense account.  This is not right area to know about Google Adsense.  So you can go to to get more information about Google Adsense.

How much can we earn money with Google Adsense?

I am very much happy to write about the earning of Adsense because it will be the surprise to the people who want to know about it.  Normally, you can earn money when you have good traffic to your website and you just get good income through CTR ( Click Through Rate) and CPM (Cost per thousand).  You should not worry about your earning and you should worry about your content and traffic.  There is not limitation to make money with Google Adsense.

How to create content?

Content is the king of your website other than that you need to worry because if you have good content for your niche then you can have real traffic to your website.  Also Google Adsense needs to get real website which is having real content Website?  Also they need to create a website for consumer so they don't encourage the website which is created for Adsense earning.  This is the secret to make money with your website content.  

How to choose the content? You just think about you and your business then you just create a website which you already have experience about your business line or your educational qualification.  Then you can create web page with your interested area like 

1) Real Estate
2) Matrimony
3) Online Business
4) Shopping Cart
5) Shipping
6) Travel and Tourism
7) Education Site
8) Web Design
9) Information Technology
10) Jobs site

and Many opportunity to take your chance.  You can think about your site and you just plan for your website.  Then you will be king of your website and plan for your earning in offline and online with your website.  I hope it will be very useful for you all.

How to get traffic to your website?

Content is  the basic for your website then you have to think about traffic.  Traffic is the main resource to your website because without traffic you can not get business or earnings.  So you should think about traffic with the right way and you should do spam in anyway.  Normally, Search Engine is the best way to get traffic to your website which is free traffic.  So you can get free traffic to your website through your Search Engine Optimization.

How to do SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is nothing but you should have Title, Keywords and Description in proper manner in the html page.  You should regulate your website with your SEO then you can get real traffic to your website.  

Title : Title length is lessthan or equal to 150 characters

Keywords :  Keywords length is between 300 to 500 characters

Description :  Description length is less than or equal to 200 Characters

Your title should have keyword or keyword phrase which will be related to your niche content.  Also you can get your keywords through Google Adwords keyword tool then you just optimize your keywords for your website.  Then you just write a short description about your niche topic then you will get real traffic through Search Engine. 

How to  Earn Money with Google Adsense?

After getting your website then you can apply for Google Adsense which is obsolutely free.  If you have gmail account then you can apply through your gmail id to open this page :  It will be very easy to get approval within one or two days if you have good website.  After getting approval to your adsense account then first job is to read adsense policy and terms which is very useful to protect your account.  

You can go adsense account to get html  ad code which should be pasted in your website to get visibility after 10 ten minutes.  Please go through the all ad formats in our last post and select which one is better to your website.  You should also have one three ads per page in your website.  This ideas only for newbies who need to know about Google Adsense so all the web masters can skip this post.  Thanks.

Online adverting with Google Adwords

Most of the business people need to promote their business through News Papers, Televisions, Advertisement Board on the Road. They can also use online advertising system which is the best way to promote their business in many ways. In India, all the business people need to promote their business mainly in Offline. So that they don't have much awareness in online advertising system. Actually, more than 2 crore people in India using internet and computer so you can reach your customer through online very easily.

Google Search Engine is the leading website to search products and websites in India. So you can promote your business with Google Adwords. Then it will be showing through search engine's Sponsored Links area which is giving you the best traffic to your websites then it will be converted as business inquiry. So Google Adwords is the best place to create your compaign to reach your goal.

How is Google Adwords working?

You can create your compaign then you need to bid your add rate per click which will be within your budget. Also you can create more compaign which is related to your niche then you just run your ads to choose the best compaign for your business website. For Example, You have Real Estate Website in India then you can create your ads and then choose the Country as India to run your within India to get more business inquiry for your Real Estate Business.

This ads will be circulated in the Google Search Engine, Real Estate websites in India and all other sites which is related to your niche. So you can get real business inquiry through this pay per click system which is paid traffic opportunity to your websites. So you need not worry about Search Engine Optimization and you need to wait for free traffic to your website. You just create your PPC Compaign then you just bid your amount to get real traffic to your websites.