Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Google Adsense for Mobile Websites

Google Adsense for Mobile content will give the best opportunity to earn money from Mobile Website. Now it is booming to get lot of money through Google Adsense and it is the leading earn money project. We will try to give you some of the information about add your Google Ads in Blogger and your website also.

    G2 Google G2 Mobile Phone, China Cell Phone Android Mobile ads Videos :

    You can find right information about add your Google Ads in your Mobile website. You also find the information about Create a blog in mobile and you should read this to get some more information.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Make Money with Adsense

How to Make Money with Google Adsense through online jobs.  Hi all, I am really exciting to write post on this because I want to spend some time to write post in this which is very useful for the beginners. Today, my google online jobs blog to discuss about how to make money with Google Adsense. I need to reach the people who wants to work with online jobs because I want to share my experience with them. I learnt from the leaders but I am not a leader or web master but I can satify the beginners who wants to learn about Google adsense.

    Also, Google Online Jobs will not affiliate with Google and this blog is not the right place to know about Google and Google's Products and I just want to share my experience with the visitors who need some information. Also it is not a assurance to make money with Google Adsense because it may vary from people to people and time to time so you should blame me in future.

    I might be spending lot of time with my blogs and still I need to learn something about Google Adsense because still I am a learner and I suggest to the people wants to write more blogs about online jobs which is very useful to improve your knowledge. Also I want to share my experience through this blog with beginners because they can also improve their knowledge about online business through this blog.

    I may get some income thorugh Google Adsense but I will not show you any cheque or any adsense pages to prove myself. Because Google Adsense's terms and conditions are not allowing us to show all things so I can not show anything here. I just share my experience with this blog to the beginners. If you want to make money with adsense then you have to create a website which is having relevant content and it should be having lot of information about your niche keywords. Then you can get lot of visitors through search traffic if you have good title, keywords and description about your niche.

    Other than that you should update your content everyday which is very useful content for the people who visited to your website. Most of the people fail to get return visitors to their websites on because of the improper content or improper way of site settings. Because they are not showing all the things in the home page but all the contents into the website but it will not catch the visitors. So you should have links in home which is important to your website.

    I learned something about Online Business with Part Time Jobs at home which is selling a product thorugh your website. Then you can list it left or right side of the website with links to improve your sales other than some of them have products which is inner of the website will not give sales for you. So you should have preplan to make a good website to your earnings and targeted visistors.

    How to make money with Google Adsense? If you have nice website then you can apply for Google adsense account to get approval to your website. just see this link : Google Online Jobs with Adsense to know about registration. You can find lot of information about google adsense tips and techniques.

    You just plan to put ads in the right place and choose good colour combination which is relevant to your website. Ad placement is the main criteria to get good income through your website adn you can learn something about ad placement through adsense.blogspot.com will give you some tips about it.

    Now I want to make good post in this blog everyday to meet people to know about their status and they can give good comments to me to get lot of information from here. Anyway thank guys we will see the post soon.

Google Online Jobs review

you can find real google online jobs reviews through this videos. Nice to see this and get more experience about Google Adsense.  Google Adsense for newbies and it is having very nice basic ideas to reach your goal through this blog. Because we need to improve your basic google adsense knowledge adn you can find real online business solutions through us.

Most of the newbies are closing their eyes when they learn online business.  They should open their eyes and they must do something which is helping us to get more information about online business here. If you want to review anything then you just remember what did you in the past and what do you in the present and please plan for the future to get exact result for you.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Top Paying Adsense Keywords List for Google Online Jobs

You can find nice video to know about Top Paying Adsense Keywords list here. It is very interesting to make money online ideas. It is having nice topic to know about Keyword listing to your niche. You just see this and know about Top paying keywords. This is improve your knowledge about Google Online Jobs because Google Adsense based on the Keyword optimization. So you can select your high paying keyword niche to work on it.

How to find top paying keywords?

Lot of websites have listing of top paying keywords.  So you just find the keywords which help us to search about it to use it in our websites. Also we should use the keywords to make huge traffic to our website as well as make money from online.  I give some keywords which help us to know the top paying keywords here.

Web Hosting
Structured settlement

drug rehab
contract management software
car accident lawyer

note buyers
donate a car
investment fraud

Houston Web Design
Mesothelioma Cancer
Content Management

Cerebral Palsy
Search Engine Marketing

Help desk Software
Life Insurance Comparison
Criminal Attorney

I don't want to give price for PPC because I keep searching about it.  So you can find lots of keywords for top paying lists here.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Earn Money with Google Online Jobs

Many of the students want to do online business which is giving them part time money. Because It is very easy to work in online from home. So that they want to do online business to make money. I suggested them to work with Google Online Jobs which is having many features to get good income through make a real website or blog to be very useful for the students and education news or write something about their related topic like engineering, medical, job opportunity, abroad education and many thinks will covered to make a website.

    I can help them to make a small ideas to create a website to apply for Google Adsense. Normally, Google Adsense need to have good traffic website so they should concentrate to get handsome traffic through their SEO techniques. I will try to give some tips to make a website to reach the people with nice content. If you should have a website which very useful to the people because they want to come back to your website.

    You can find ten tips to make a website for getting handsome traffic to your website to make money easily through Google Online Jobs. So you should make good enthusiastic by yourself to get lot of experience to read blog or website which is related to the online business opportunity. Moreover, I like to provide you to make a nice website through proper niche to make easy money with Google Adsense.

    1) Domain name : Search a domain name which is related to your niche. Niche is nothing but specification of the website because you should plan to make a website which is having specific reason to reach the people. I would like to say some example like :

    a) Education - domain name : education.com, indianeducation.com, chennaiedcuation.com

    b) Part Time Jobs - Domain Name : parttimejobsinus.com, Indianparttime.com, Chilejobsonline.com

    c) Medical - Domain Name : medicalpharma.com, Newyorkmedi.com, jobsinmedical.com

    d) Shipping - Domain Name : Shipping.com, Shippingdirectory.com, ship.com,

    e) Weight Loss - Domain Name : weightloss.com, ukweightloss.com, reduceweight.com

    You can select some domain names then you can check which is available or not. Just visit www.co.cc, www.who.is or www.domainz.in to get availablity of domains for you. You can register your availability domain for you

    2) Web Hosting : After register your domain name then you should choose the best web hosting company to get space for your website. You can find from www.hostgator.com or www.000webhost.com to get nice price to host your website.

    3) Templates : You can choose good template to your website to make good traffic with good alignment because you can get good return visitor through attracting templates. You can choose this template design through this blog templating system. You can get free website templates here - http://www.freewebsitetemplates.com

    Premium Blog Templates

    4) Content : Content writing is the important role of the website. Because it will be giving you the best visitors to your website. If you have original content which is not copied from any other website then you will get nice search engine traffic. If you update your website everyday then you will get return visitor to your website. Google seems to be awarded more and more to good content.

    5) SEO Tips : Search Engine Optimization is giving you the excellent traffic to your website. You can follow this seo tips to make good traffic for you to get handsome income. You must use your keyword or keyword phrase in the title, keywords and description because search engine wants to know about your website through your title and description. Which is called Meta Tag Analysis to make it like this.

    Title : Your Title contains 100 Characters

    Description: It can be up to 200 Characters

    Keywords : You can have up to 1000 Characters or 20 Keywords

    Robot : You should have robot meta tag to analyze your website -

    You can find here - http://www.robotstxt.org/meta.html

    Web links : You should have up to 100 links in a page.

    6) Add Url Submission : Submit your website in the leading search engine like Google.com, Yahoo.com and Bing.com. These are all leading search engines so this is enough to submit your website to get traffic through search engine.

    7) Free Web Directory Submission : Web Directory Submission will give you the best back links to your website and also you can get good page rank for your website. Addurl.nu is having more than 900 free website directory for you to submit your website. You can add your website in dmoz.org or directory.google.com is the google free directory listing

    8) Blog Comments : You can search about your niche in blog search to put your links in blog comments. It will be giving you the best traffic to your website as well as back link. Also you will get outbound links to your website.

    9) Forum Signature : You can write a post in the forum which is your relevant topic. You can add your links in signature to get nice traffic and back link to your website.

    10) Google Analytics : You should add your website to the Google Analytics to get traffic results then you can analyze your website traffic to optimize it easily.

    You can visit our old post to know about Google Adsense Account creating ideas. You also find Google Jobs Online through this blog post - Google Online Jobs

Top Paying Adsense Keywords List for Google Online Jobs (10/27/2009 09:55)
    You can find nice video to know about Top Paying Adsense Keywords list here. It is very interesting to make money online ideas. It is having nice topic to know about Keyword listing to your niche. You just see this and know about Top paying keywords. This is improve your knowledge about Google Online Jobs because Google Adsense based on the Keyword optimization. So you can select your high paying keyword niche to work on it.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Google Adsense Policy

Many of our visitors want to know about Google Adsense Policies because they could not understand the terms and conditions of the Google Adsense. We just remember the terms and conditions of the Google Adsense for our visitors and this is just for your reference. We will not responsible for any damages and conflicts with your Google Adsense Account through reading this post. Also we encourage you to read

    Google terms and conditions in - https://www.google.com/adsense/policies -

    if you want get support - https://www.google.com/adsense/support/bin/topic.py?topic=8423

    Google Adsense Works : Most of the Google Adsense member doesn't read the policies and they could fail to continue with Google Adsense Account. So they should read the all the terms and conditions of the Google Adsense which is given above. Many of the people who fail to continue with Google Adsense account then they are splitting some posts and messages in forum like Google Adsense is a scam. But most of the Google Adsense members gave positive results in the blogs and forums. I am also getting handsome income through Google Adsense and I want to tell the people who fail to get income in Google Adsense.

    They could not concentrate properly with Google Adsense so they fail to make money online. They can see my blogs and posts to know about Google Adsense and make their mind to change it to work online to get handsome income. I never fail to get income in online because I am not fail to work in online. You keep on work for online jobs then you can reach your goal soon.

    Important notes in Google Adsense Policy :

    Google Adsense Policy may change at any time so you should read the policy and terms time to time to avoid your account disable. You should read it and your responsibility to keep up to date with the policies posted here - https://www.google.com/adsense/static/en_US/LocalizedTerms.html

    Code Modification

    You just copy your adsense html code from Google Adsense set up page. Also you need not make any correction in the html code after copy it. Because it's overrule the Google Adsense Policy and terms so you should alert when you copy the html code. Before that you can change color of the text and titles, background and border, and the url which is match your website or blog. After made your Adsense unit html code then you should modify it because it could get you life time ban.

    Invalid Clicks

    You should not encourage people to click in your Google Adsense ad and also you should click your own ads and create programs to do it because it will get you life time ban. You should alert and when you work on your page or website to avoid it. You should not inflate impressions and/or clicks artificially, including manual methods.

    Content Guidelines :

    As a publisher, you should not place Adsense code with content or pages that violates any of the content guidelines. You should not content that is adult, violent and advocating racial intolerance.

    See More in : https://www.google.com/adsense/support/bin/answer.py?answer=48182

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Google Jobs Online from home

Google Jobs Online is nothing but free Money Making Online Program by the Google Search Engine through its worldwide internet advertisement program which is called as Google Adsense. We discussed lot of information about Google Adsense through this blog. Now I want to give some more information about ad positioning in your website. You can find real techniques and tips here to make easy income through your ad publishing program.

    I wrote a blog about Google Online Jobs which was very useful to my visitors and you can read it again to get the basic ideas about Google Adsense. You can join with Google Adsense Program for free and display ads on your website or blog. Also I just remember the website content or articles is your own and original or you should have rights to post the content on your website. Moreover, you should not use any duplicate content which is disable your Adsense Account.

    Google Adsense ad positioning is the important role to make handsome money through online. Correct positioning of your Google adsense ads can make or break your success with your Google Adsense Program. Why is this true? Some studies suggest that people eye positioning on websites gravitate some particular place of web pages. If you don't have ads on the neccesary place then you will not get clicks or handsome income so you should have knowledge about ad placement to make money online.

    We may suggest the best way to find what exactly work for you is to experiment, experiment and lot of experiment will be making you the handsome income to you all. If you place the ads near rich content then it will be navigational aids usually do well because users are focused on those areas of the page on your website. Also you can guess how ads will behave on different pages and on different placement because the ad positioning will be the main criteria to make money in online and what will be the most useful and visible to them.

    You will find the optimal ad position is not always what you expect on certain pages. Last week I saw a blog post in adsense.blogpspot.com which was given a very useful content about customs channel and URL channels which is giving you a deeper look at channel. You can see the customs and URL channels help center will give you the tips.

    Help Center

    Also you can visit the adsense blog update post about adsense improvement and technology will give you more knowledge about Google Adsense Programs feature.


Thursday, November 3, 2011

How to increase my adsense Earnings?

You can optimize your adsense earnings in many way.  Especially you should optimize your ads with your websites colour, placement, size and other variables to help you to earn lot of income through this opportunity.  I try to give the tips to improve your earnings with adsense through this blog.

6 Ways to improve your Adsense Earnings :

1) Experiments with Placement :
You can find the placement of ads which is helping you to increase your earnings.  I choose four important content for adsense units as given below :

Normally, we should choose the Leaderboard ads (728 x 90) to put it in top of the website.  Because it is helping us to increase our adense earnings always.  You can put the Leaderboard in the bottom of the websites too.

Wide Skyscraper is also the most important role in the placement which also helping us to get more income when we put it in right or left side of the template.

Medium and Large Rectangle should be in the middle of the website which is also helping us to improve our earnings.

We should create separate channels for all the units which is helping us to know the earnings details individually to change it when we have lesser amount in the units.

2) Experiment with Adsense Units :

a)  300 x 250 - Medium Rectangle
b)  336 x 280 - Large Rectangle
c)  728 x 90   -  Leaderboard
d)  160 x 600 -  Wide Skyscraper

Most of the leading  and the best performance ad units are given above.  You can find the best one for your website to get real online income from your channels.

All the Units must have separate channels because we should know which channel is having good income.  So we just check it and change it when necessary.

3) Target with the channels :

Channels are having important role to increase our earnings with adsense.  We should create separate channels to know what is happening in your channels.  Then you can change the ads placement to tune up your website.

4) Watch and Track Everything :

We should watch and track everything to optimize our websites to increase our income.  All the business type websites must have right placement of ads which is helping us to earn money with adsense.

5) Experiment with Image and Text Ads :

We should select image and text ads option which is helping us to improve our earnings.  This is also one of the way to do experiment with our ads and channels.

6) Never Stop Promoting :

We should not stop promotion work to get traffic to our websites. Promotion is nothing but to get back links to our websites, Search Engine Optimization, Comments in blogging, reply and post in forums and many way to promote our websites to get traffic.  Also you can use social media like facebook.com, linkedin.com, delicious.com and many of the Social bookmarking sites also helping us to more traffic to our websites.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

How to use new adsense interface?

Now the time to change from old adsense interface to News Adsense Interface to get more information easily to understand in Google Adsense affiliate programs.  I hope it will be very helpful to make new ideas to improve our knowledge about google adsense and its related system to make it easy with new adsense interface.  Why should we change to new adsense interface?  I am happy to use the new adsense interface which is helping me to work for online jobs with google.

So you can visit new adsense interface to get more new ideas to improve your knowledge about it here.  I am verymuch interested to change my adsense inferface from old to new one.  If you have any doubt then please ask me through this email - kailaschozhan@gmail.com - to share our ideas about Google Adsense.  Thanks.